Zuzana Bastian Founder Of Jevels Talks About The Future Of Wearability When It Comes To AR and VR
Zuzana Bastian graced NEWFORUM with her charming presence wearing gorgeous digital earrings from Jevels, a company she Foundered. Jevels is a company focused on distributing wearable NFTs and co-creating the Metaverse. You will be surprised to know that Zuzana studied Pharmacy and currently works in that sector. She shared that she has always been interested in fashion and felt the need to do something about the Fashion Industry’s impact on our planet.
“I started to think of solutions to make the Fashion Industry more sustainable. During the pandemic in 2020, I discovered the concept of Digital Fashion; I couldn’t sleep any more afterward, because I found it so attractive…” — Zuzana
Zuzana defines herself as a person who believes that everything is possible with the right attitude. Three things that fuel her are curiosity about learning new things, working on innovations (pharmacy and fashion), and inspiring people around her, her friends, and her family.
Zuzana came to NewForum with the right attitude, and it made a difference seeing her smile throughout her interview.
We enjoyed discussing her thoughts on Phygital Fashion versus Digital Fashion, the pros, and cons of traditional jewelry brands entering the Metaverse, and if fashionistas will embrace or adapt to Digital Fashion as part of their everyday life in the future.
“Jevels is an NFT platform or space where all of the designs are wearable through AR or VR..” — Zuzana
Jevels collaborates with Designers from all over the world to bring their designs/virtual jewelry and or physical jewelry or fashion accessories to life and into the Metaverse.
So why did Zuzana decided to pursue digital jewelry and not Digital Fashion?
Zuzana believes that jewelry is an exclamation mark for every outfit. She explained that when you wear a beautiful piece of jewelry, it enhances everything. In addition, jewelry has an emotional aspect in our lives; all of us have jewelry we like to wear that we feel give us some superpowers from the people who gave them to us.
“I think this power can be transferred into the virtual space where now we spend the most time in, and this is what Jevels aims to achieve.” — Zuzana
Zuzana is looking forward to seeing what the wearability of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) will look like in the future.
“I think that AR is going to grow and that we are going to use AR and Mix Reality on a daily basis where maybe we will put on some glasses or some lenses, and we will see the world enhance through these technologies…” — Zuzana
Watch her full interview to see her showcase her beautiful Jevels jewelry collection via filters she had on.
Zuzana added that we achieve many possibilities with technology to enhance IRL.
“ I think many people are focusing on the Metaverse and Virtual Space only, but I think AR has a bright future as well, and I am looking forward to virtually dressing and going out of the house and being dressed normally, in the physical space. I do not think we will stop entirely producing physical stuff, but we will not need as much because; they will be enhanced technology; AR or Mixed Reality…” — Zuzana
Zuzana also discussed challenges with onboarding the broad public to the Web3 space and NFT who do not have prior Crypto experience.
She explained that she works closely with all the Designers who use their platform because, for some, it is their first time creating an NFT and reaching their first Customers in the Virtual space.
Zuzana pointed out that traditional jewelry brands are new to Web3, hence, the need for more education in the first conversations answering questions like- what is an NFT? How do you mint? What are gas fees, and Why do I need them..? Jevels also provide each design with the GLB file. According to Zuzana, many Designers are a little hesitant until they have understood the power of the Blockchain. Zuzana believes that educating both customers and Designers is essential.
Zuzana added that she classifies customers on their platform into two groups; the Crypto natives who buy with Crypto wallets and first-time NFT owners.
Join our community to watch the full interview with Zuzana Bastian and hear more about Jevels approach to working with a diverse group of designers and customers. After talking about the vision and mission of Jevels, Zuzana also discussed her perspective on the future of wearability when it comes to AR and VR. She discussed Jevels onboarding approach to Designers and Customers new to Web3 and NFT. Zuzana shared her definition of the Metaverse, how it impacts her work in the space, and how traditional brands can venture into the Metaverse. We also talked about Zuzana’s perspective on how fashion could become more diverse through decentralization. Finally, Zuzana described phygital fashion and how it could become the norm in the future.
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✨Follow Zuzana Bastian! Twitter:@jevels_virtual Instagram:@jevels.nftLinkedIn: zuzana-bastian Linktree: jevels Discord: jevels Website: jevels.com
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