Web3 Culture and A Different Spin On The Words Phygital & Sustainability
NEWFORUM was honored to have the charismatic Lauren Kacher, Creative Director & Founder of ALTERRAGE. ALTERRAGE is considered the first web3 phygital fashion label which creates Phygital Fashion, intending to use Digital Fashion to inspire real-world transformation. Lauren showed up for her interview with these gorgeous filter earrings designed by ALTERRAGE, the first NFT marketplace just for digital-only jewelry in collaboration with Jevels.
Lauren is originally from California, but when she was about 15 years old, she had the opportunity to visit Europe and immediately fell in love appreciating the value of having different cultural experiences.
Like other digital fashion designers in Web3, Lauren had a traditional fashion background where she studied pattern making and construction. Although Lauren felt stuck making patterns and constructing garments, she looks back now and appreciates those skills as she applies them to her work today.
“ I look back, and I see it was really important to have that. I guess it’s important to see that the path may not always be directly where you think you’re going, but it will get you there eventually” — Lauren
Lauren shares how she transitioned from apparel to accessory design and what led to her passion for Sustainability in Web3 on NEWFORUM Episode XI.
“ …About a year ago, I came across Digital Fashion, and I see it as a massive solution, at least a partial solution to Sustainability in the industry- finally, some freshness and some excitement injected into an industry that is traditional and really stuck honestly: so then that’s also what led me to found ALTERRAGE…” — Lauren
There is always a first time for everything. Lauren also had her first moments in Web3. You will hear about how her path crossed with web3 in the Full Episode!
“ For me, Web2 perspective is something created to be disposable, and a Web3 perspective is how can you extend the life, resell it, revalue it, and that’s where digital comes in handy like this idea of NFTs…” — Lauren
Lauren says DAOs are a great way to make sustainable decisions even with Digital Fashion and NFTs because it enables us to assemble people around a set of values, and with DAOs a person’s title no longer dictates their power. It now becomes more about what a person contributes to the organization and their impact.
“So that’s like what I really love, and think it’s totally nuts and that’s what we’re trying to figure out, like what is the future of that…” — Lauren
NEWFORUM thinks every digital fashion designer’s new “favorite” word might be Phygital or maybe not! We had to find out what Lauren thought about this word thrown around like its counterpart Sustainability from the perspective of an accessory designer. Lauren didn’t just define phygital- we enjoyed a little history time with her as well as hearing her clever spin defining Phygital and Sustainability in Web3.
Watch the full episode to hear all about Lauren’s insightful perspective on Web3, DAOs, NFTs, and Digital Fashion, her tips, and standards on choosing Blockchain as well as all the exciting work and impact she is making through ALTERRAGE!
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Follow Lauren Kacher here! Twitter: @KALAU_URL LinkedIn: laurenkacher
Linktree: kalau.url Alterrage Discord: Alterrage
#web3 #social3 #crypto #metaverse #digitalfashion #daos #defi #nfts